Central America and the Caribbean Recipes: FUNGIE AND SALTFISH BULJOLDE – ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA

Antigua and Barbuda cuisine is mostly based on local products such as fish. The fish most commonly used is flying fish. As this is not a kosher fish, the choice was easy. Salted fish such as cod is also often cooked.
Fungie is a word derived from the Italian word Funghi meaning mushrooms. The first surprise is that the recipe does not contain fungus. The word “mushroom” is actually the term used for a local porridge accompanied by okra.
Fungie can be cooked with corn flour or cassava flour (tapioca). I chose the latter.
This dish, more commonly known as Cou-Cou in these islands, has its roots in West Africa where it is called Fu-fu. This preparation at the base of West African cuisine is as known as another staple called pounded yam (iyan), which was illustrated in Mike’s Gabonese recipe of  niembwe chicken . Fungie is a very rich dish, full of starch which helped to satiate the appetite of slaves taken to the Caribbean islands.
Fungie Recipe
Ingredients (for 4 people)
– One dozen okras
– 1/2 lb. cassava flour (tapioca) or corn flour
– 3 cups of water
– 2 tbsp butter or margarine
– 1 teaspoon salt
– Saffron
  • Mix cassava flour and a cup of cold water in a large container. Put aside.
  • Cut the ends of the okras and cut in 1/2 in. slices. Boil the second cup of water and bleach the okras.
  • Boil the third cup of water to infuse the saffron and set aside.
  • Slowly add the wet cassave flour mixture to the okra and water. Mix vigorously with a spatula or a wooden spoon.

Reduce the heat and slowly add the reserved cup of boiling water. Stir vigorously. The mixture should be like a jelly and should come away from sides of the pan (like a puff pastry).
Simmer over low heat, covered, about 20 minutes, stirring regularly. The fungie should be quite compact. Finally add the butter
Buljolde saltfish Recipe
Ingredients (for 4 people)
– 4 pieces of cod
– 3 diced tomatoes
– 3 cloves of garlic
– 1 carrot, cut into strips
– 1 leek, sliced
– 1 red pepper cut into strips
– 1 red onion
– 1 red pepper, sliced
– 1/2 bunch cilantro
– Peanut oil
– 1/2 cup of water
– Salt
– Pepper
Chop cilantro, onion and garlic with a hand blender or a chopper. Put aside.
Put a little oil in a pot and heat over medium heat. Pour the onion, garlic and cilantro mixture. Sauté for 2 minutes. Add tomatoes. Cover and simmer 5 minutes over low heat.
Add water, cod and the rest of the vegetables, toss, reduce heat and simmer about 45 minutes.
Increase the heat after cooking to reduce the sauce if it is too liquid.

From: 196flavors Blog

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